Allegany Allied Arts wishes to announce three upcoming Volunteer Recruiting Meet-&-Greet events for the Queen City Film Festival (QCFF). The first of our local recruiting events for QCFF 2020 is in Frostburg on February 1. Stop by and meet the people from Allegany Allied Arts. We’ll be recruiting volunteers for the Queen City Film Festival (QCFF) and other cinema events, as well as technical and administrative volunteers.
Submissions for QCFF 2020 open March 1 this year, and we’re signing up screeners to help review submitted films through early August. We’re also looking for volunteers for event staff to set up and run the festival 9/30-10/5. Come meet the people behind Allegany Allied Arts and get involved, or contact the page for more information.
Whether you’d like to become a screener for the film festival, event staff or tech crew, or assist us with program development and community outreach — stop by and meet us and get involved!
Saturday, February 1 (2pm-4pm) @ Frostburg Library
Saturday, February 15 (Noon-2pm) @ South Cumberland Library
Saturday, February 29 (10am-Noon) @ LaVale Library

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